skill Reaction
Reaction is crucial in any battle. The faster a hero can react, the better he can time his, and his opponents, attacks. With enough skill, this could enable the hero to attack multiple times while his attacker is executing a single attack.
Go to the description in the World of Dungeons encyclopedia
secondary skill for:
Alchemist (level 3)
Archer (level 3)
Barbarian (level 3)
Bard (level 3)
Drifter (level 3)
Gladiator (level 3)
Hunter (level 3)
Juggler (level 3)
Knight (level 3)
Mage (level 3)
Paladin (level 3)
Priest (level 3)
Scholar (level 3)
Shaman (level 3)
may be used
- / -
target Self
Mana points cost
skill class
designed by
Effect on heroes with this skill
These bonuses and malus are effective when the hero has reached at least level 1 in this skill. (unless otherwise specified).
Attribute bonus
+25% of your skill rank
actions per round
+10% of your skill rank
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