
item exquisite horned helmet with caribou antlers

So you managed to avoid several stampedes of caribou, but was it due to luck or real skill?

Well, the celebrating Dinturans seem to have a newly gained respect for you either way, and so offered you this really fine helmet with a big set of caribou horns mounted on top as a trophy. It makes you look really respectable and flashy, even if proper movement is impaired some by the big horns.

Maybe the caribou don't feel too happy about this, and you won't be as lucky next time...

This item can not be traded or given away. But it can be sold for the fixed price.


hero classes Every character class can use this item.
race every race may use this item
requirements no
hit points 50
value 330
unique unique for hero
uses left unlimited
uses per dungeon unlimited
uses per fight unlimited
effect level 8.0
piercing damage
needs -
location head
item class
including bonuses
Enchanting: All
Enchanting: Armor
weaponless equipment (+0/+8)
including bonuses
Flying Fists (+0/-20%)
designed by Zeldic