A throwing spear fashioned by the followers of Barbroxu. In honor of the god they have outfitted the tip with 2 horns. It is harder to throw due to the weight, but inflicts deep wounds.
may be grafted 1x
hero classes
only for
every race may use this item
Perception is at least 10 Strength is at least 10 Dexterity is at least 10 level is at least 5 Use throwing weapons is at least 15
These bonuses and malus are effective when the item is carried (unless otherwise specified).
Damage bonus
Damage Type
Attack Type
Damage Bonus (r)
piercing damage
ranged (a)
0 / +1 / +1(z)
(r) is added upon normal / good / critical hits as an additional effect to the weapon used. (a) the penalty or bonus are active when the item is used with one of the above mentioned skills. (z) additionally - when damage of this type is dealt
Attack bonus
Attack Type
(a) the penalty or bonus are active when the item is used with one of the above mentioned skills.
Effect on those affected by this item
These bonuses and malus only work when the item is used with one of the above mentioned skills.